1) Welcome!
2) Off-Gridding today
3) Exhibit A: 9 Main Street
4) Where we are!
5) My Site
6) The Castle
7) Why this system works!
8) What it really looks like
9) The Batteries
10) The Solar Panels
11) Diesel Co-Gen
12) Human Power!
13) Incentive
14) The Inverter/Chargers
15) Staber Washer
16) Energy Guide
17) Spin-X Dryer
18) Sundanzer Refrigerator
19) Demand Water Heater
20) The Idea!
21) Water Tank relocation
22) The Big Questions
23) Low usage = Porking
24) Another Example
25) In Summary
- In Summary -
My 2 cents (less inflation, taxes and all applicable fees):
• Prices on everything will soar (Wood last year downstate went for upwards of $300/cord!)
• Buy upfront while your dollar is still worth a dollar.
• Keep your lifestyle but adjust it to reflect efficiency.
• Don’t depend on “The System” that will only discard you when you are no longer contributing
positive cash flow to it. (If you think this is bull consider the tenants in a nursing home!)
• Buy the most efficient appliances you can afford – even if it means an extra year of saving $$$$$.
• Reduce all usage so you don’t have to generate much to begin with. Smaller system = less $$$!
• Do your homework and shop wisely! The benefit can be some self sufficiency and a break even point of 7 – 10 years.
Well folks that’s about it! In closing I will say that if one wishes to go off-grid it can SUCESSFULLY be done.
I hate to tempt fate but the words "bullet proof" come to mind if it’s done correctly. Some of the system is a money thing and some is not.
For in much wisdom [is] much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. Ecc 1:18
As a side note: Don’t forget to check out our
Lister Generator page as well as the
WindPower page. For those who wish to save fuel,
see our Diesel Motorcycle Page where the bike
racked up 7000 miles in 3 months! This “Changzuki” is pulling 115 mpg average!
This concludes the slideshow on the JB Enterprise Off Grid System.
Thanks for Visiting!
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